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Bergamot for Tea (monarda)

History of Bergamot Flower

There are two types of bergamot.

1. Flower from shrub also known as Bee Balm

bergamot flower

2. Flower from citrus plant "bergamot orange tree"


Both ingredients are used in tea.

The 'citrus orange' fragrance and flavour you taste in earl grey tea's are the latter "Bergamot Orange".

Here's a little history about how this ingredient came about being used in tea.

This plant was named Monarda after Dr. Nicholas Monardas, a Spanish botanist and physician who first documented it in 1571. Bergamot (monarda) is also called: Bee Balm, Red Bergamot or Oswego.

Around the time of the Boston Tea Party, early settlers needed to find a substitute drink in place of heavily taxed, imported teas. They saw Monarda being made into tea by the Oswego Indians in New York State (hence the name Oswego tea). It gained it's most common name, bergamot from it's flavour which is similar to the bergamot orange plant.

Bergamot orange is used to flavour earl grey tea. These two plants are not related. There are many species of Monarda and even more of the cultivated varieties of the plant. 

We use bergamot orange essential oil in our earl grey and French earl grey blends. When you open the packet you will notice it's gorgeous fragrance and taste in your tea.

Benefits of Bergamot

In times gone by, bergamot was recognised for it's high level of antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin C. It is an antiseptic so it may be good for sore throats and colds. It's a very calming plant and has been used historically to treat depression. Native Americans used the plant to treat nosebleeds, insomnia, fever and stomach aches.

Uses for Bergamot

Traditionally Bergamot is used as a herb for teas or cooking. You can actually use bergamot in place of oregano in dishes. The bright pink flowers are beautiful for your dining table, the leaves are used for cooking or making tea.

Preparation of Bergamot 

All ingredients our teas are 100% organic.

We use bergamot in these two blends:

  • Earl Grey Tea (black tea with bergamot oil)
  • Finest French Earl Grey blend (black tea, rose petals, calendula petals, cornflower, bergamot oil)

These teas are delightful. Our favourite is definitely French Earl Grey as it has a few more ingredients to make the tea so beautifully fragrant and delicious.

  • Simply take 1 teaspoon (approximately 2 grams) add it to a cup.
  • Boil your kettle.
  • Pour over boiling water.
  • Let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
  • Strain and enjoy hot, warm or cold over ice.

Teas with Bergamot by The Tea Cartel

Link: Organic Stormy Earl Grey Tea 


stormy earl grey tea

Link: Finest Organic Chic French Earl Grey Tea

chic french earl grey tea

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