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What is Stevia?

What is Stevia?

Stevia is a herb from the Stevia plant (stevia rebaudiana), also called candy leaf, flowering plant and is part of the aster family. It is native to Paraguay and is grown for it's sweet leaves. It is a safe sweetener and is 100-300 sweeter than sugar.

BOTANICAL NAME: Stevia rebaudiana
COMMON NAMES: Stevia, Sweet Leaf
FAMILY: Asteraceae
ORIGIN: Native to South America

The National Library of Medicine reference material:


Why Stevia is Better for You

Stevia is a natural sweetener that is derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. Here are some reasons why stevia is considered to be a better choice than sugar:

  1. Low in calories: Stevia is much lower in calories than sugar, making it a good option for those who are trying to watch their calorie intake or manage their weight.

  2. Doesn't raise blood sugar levels: Unlike sugar, stevia does not raise blood sugar levels or have an impact on insulin production, making it a good option for people with diabetes or those who are watching their blood sugar levels.

  3. No impact on dental health: Stevia does not contribute to tooth decay or other dental issues, making it a healthier option for dental health.

  4. No artificial ingredients: Stevia is a natural sweetener that does not contain any artificial ingredients or additives, making it a healthier option than many other artificial sweeteners on the market.

  5. Easy to use: Stevia can be used in cooking and baking just like sugar, making it a convenient and easy-to-use substitute.

  6. No aftertaste: Unlike some other natural sweeteners, stevia does not have a bitter aftertaste, making it a good option for those who prefer a more neutral taste.

Overall, stevia is considered to be a healthier option than sugar due to its low calorie content, lack of impact on blood sugar levels and dental health, natural origin, and ease of use. However, it's important to note that some people may experience gastrointestinal side effects or allergic reactions to stevia, and it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using any natural sweeteners.

Ratio Stevia/Sugar

1 Teaspoon Stevia = 1 Cup Sugar

Plant Description and Uses

Stevia is an herbaceous perennial; losing its leaves in late autumn. It will sometimes die back to a crown as its woody stems are fairly brittle. Stevia grows to 1 m high and likes full sun. It does best in a fertile, well-drained soil and appreciates regular watering. It will tolerate acidity; preferred pH range is 5 - 7.5.

Stevia is a plant originating in South America where it was widely used by the Guarani Indians of Paraguay as a medicine, sweetener and sugar substitute. 'Stevioside', the chemical which is extracted and purified from the incredibly sweet leaves of the plant, is said to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. 'Stevioside' is a glucoside, not a carbohydrate and has no calorific value. It has a possible value in diabetic diets as a substitute for saccharine or for weight-watchers wanting to avoid artificial sweeteners. It is soluble in water, non-fermentable, non-toxic and leaves no aftertaste.

How to Use Stevia

  • Stevia leaves can be kept indefinitely dried and can also be added to stewed fruit and other dishes.
  • Two or three leaves added whole or powdered are enough to sweeten a cup of tea or coffee.
  • A syrup can be made and used as a sweetener.
  • To make a syrup add two teaspoons of dried stevia to one litre of water, bring to the boil and simmer for ten minutes and let stand.
  • This can then be stored in the fridge and used as required.
  • Use stevia in lieu of sugar in recipes at a ration of 1:8 (1/8 teaspoon of stevia = 1 teaspoon of sugar).

Where to Buy Stevia

Stevia is sold at many health food shops in a jar or tin. When you purchase stevia insist on organic, where no sprays have been used on the leaves to ensure the healthiest ingredients for your drinks or food.

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